Right of Return

We are most powerful when we come together. This film shows the power of community, of women, of friends, Palestinians, and allies connecting and joining forces to challenge the ongoing legacy of occupation and colonialism. Aida lived in Yafa, and like 750,000 other Palestinians, was forced out of her country. Aida has an inalienable right to Return home. 


As filmmakers, we don’t make policy nor formulate laws, but the narratives, voices, and stories we share serve to bring together collaborations and coordinated efforts across all intersectionalities to build acts of solidarity and affect a lasting change. 


Our campaign started with one individual, Aida, returning home and will continue until the Right of Return becomes a reality for Palestinians everywhere.

Beyond Awareness

But our work does not end at raising awareness; we must take concrete actions to preserve Palestinian memory, support our Palestinian elderly, and connect refugees to their homelands. Our campaign's heart is preserving Palestinian memory and heritage for future generations. By collaborating with archival institutions and historians, we will create new content and digitize and preserve historical materials related to Palestinian heritage, ensuring that their stories and experiences are not forgotten.


Through maps, photos, stories, and archival materials, we document the undeniable truth: Palestinians belong to their land, and they will return to what is rightfully theirs.

Our Mission

Our campaign involves a multi-pronged set of activities, including making available resources to learn more about the historical injustices faced by Palestinians as we shed light on issues such as occupation, displacement, and the right to be buried in one's homeland. Our campaign includes screening the film widely in order to raise awareness and build alliances and solidarity. We aim to elevate our cause from the local and regional to the global. 

Our campaign will also address the struggles of persons with Alzheimer's disease and their families, highlighting the intersectionality of displacement and other forms of injustice, as well as highlighting the importance of preserving memory. 


We will be collecting personal stories that showcase the resilience and determination of Palestinians fighting for their right to return to their land and homes. Our maps, videos, photos, and stories, all of which are documented and archived as we keep the history alive, adopt innovative approaches and come closer to the liberation of Palestine and the return home by all refugees. 

This Impact Campaign is supported by the AFLAMUNA Impact Fund